Saturday, April 10, 2010

Are emotions a form of disturbance ?

Are emotions a form of disturbance ? ....I have reached here thinking of origin of emotions. He is helping me out as usual and its he making me write this.

Now coming to the original thought on emotions. Where they originate from ? a discussion in continuation of my last blog. Definitely there is some correlation between human thoughts and the emotions . I am not getting whether the emotions resembles thoughts or thoughts resembles the emotions ?. Thinking on it.... Its bit heavy to digest however will get diluted soon.

Emotions disturbs the existing flow of the universal energy or pure energy so we find change in state of mind as emotions comes over. "You can say whats disturbance ?"

The one which is temporary and alters the existing thing is a disturbance. There is some form of energy that continuously flows through all objects. Living and non living . This original form of energy gets altered in living entities like human's. However within non leaving things it wont get altered. This is because the living humans have emotions which is one more form of energy and disturbs existing flow of pure energy.

Hence the murti's in hindu culture are of stone and they are worshiped. This is because once they get established at temples it goes through the process of "pranpratishtha" it means charging it. It stays charged for almost infinite time because the flow of energy in it won't get disturbed by other means like emotions.

So any one can find mental peace if he controls over emotions..... I can't write more on this here ..... however this is not mine and I am just a writer for him .....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Birth of Emotions --- finding a big challange ...

In the lotus feet of my Guru ! In his blessings I understood what I was searching since child hood. One question that was un-answered for so many days and years was got to a conclusion because of him. Its his greatness that make me understand the complex things in simpler way.

The question was " From where the thoughts originate ? " ...... he told every little thing about it without speaking a word on it. Yes ! that's the fact.

However got stuck with other one now and confident enough that he will answer this too ! ...

" Where does anger come from ? "

Just now while writing above question I got one more generalized form of it ... " Where does emotions come from ?" .......

"Some bio chemical secretion in human body cause it " .... might be simple run away answer to it.
However I think that is a out come or effect of emotions being taking birth. It just like byproduct. If you say I am taking it in wrong sense then I have to reword my question for you my dear friend. " Why does these secretions take place?".

Don't understand ? Its complete dark for me ..... I am going to bed with this question and a prayer to him to guide me to get to answer of it..... I have strong belief on him that he will be my lamp as he is always for me ...... Sadhak !