Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Birth of Emotions --- finding a big challange ...

In the lotus feet of my Guru ! In his blessings I understood what I was searching since child hood. One question that was un-answered for so many days and years was got to a conclusion because of him. Its his greatness that make me understand the complex things in simpler way.

The question was " From where the thoughts originate ? " ...... he told every little thing about it without speaking a word on it. Yes ! that's the fact.

However got stuck with other one now and confident enough that he will answer this too ! ...

" Where does anger come from ? "

Just now while writing above question I got one more generalized form of it ... " Where does emotions come from ?" .......

"Some bio chemical secretion in human body cause it " .... might be simple run away answer to it.
However I think that is a out come or effect of emotions being taking birth. It just like byproduct. If you say I am taking it in wrong sense then I have to reword my question for you my dear friend. " Why does these secretions take place?".

Don't understand ? Its complete dark for me ..... I am going to bed with this question and a prayer to him to guide me to get to answer of it..... I have strong belief on him that he will be my lamp as he is always for me ...... Sadhak !

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